Graduate Success Stories

Meet Nicolette van den Hadelkamp

Written by Mastery Program | Oct 9, 2024 8:04:06 PM

From Self-Doubt to Artistic Breakthrough

Nicolette van den Hadelkamp’s experience with the Mastery Program began in 2019 as part of the very first online cohort. Since then, her artistic journey has been nothing short of transformative, both on a personal and professional level.
Discovering an Artistic Voice and Inner Confidence

For Nicolette, the most transformative part of the program was the section dedicated to finding her artistic voice. This period sparked personal growth, as she began to embrace her true self with newfound love and confidence. As part of her transformation, she also attended one of the Greece retreats, an experience that she describes as “life-changing.”

"I went through so many transformations, not just with my art but also with who I am as a person. By the end, I felt like I could finally look at myself with love for who I truly am," she shared.

Major Achievements and Breakthrough Moments

Among her biggest accomplishments, Nicolette proudly recalls winning the Redemption Challenge in Season 3 of The Outstanding Artist, which was a pivotal personal victory. "I felt completely lost at the beginning of the competition. It was overwhelming with the cameras, the group, and all the behind-the-scenes action. But stepping into the spotlight with so much confidence to create a breakthrough piece in the moment supreme was a game-changer for me."

Another significant win has been selling her artwork for €3,000 to €4,000 per piece, solidifying her belief in the value of her art. These accomplishments reflect a journey from self-doubt to professional and personal breakthrough.

Mastery Program: A Pathway to Artistic Freedom

The skills acquired through the Mastery Program have been instrumental in helping Nicolette feel more free as an artist. The program allowed her to create without limitations and gave her the confidence to experiment with new techniques. "It gave me the freedom to create whatever I want," she noted.

Her recent collection, 'Things with Wings, Part I', stands as a testament to this freedom. The vibrant color stories and refined skills in the collection express her growth as an artist, and it has quickly become a source of deep fulfillment.

Community Support and Professional Growth

A crucial part of her success has been the network of artists and the supportive community fostered by Milan Art. Opportunities such as exhibiting in Miami and Sarasota and participating in The Outstanding Artist helped her grow both professionally and personally. "Doing this with Milan Art, people I trust, helped me a lot to feel the fear and do it anyway."

She also credits mentors Elli and Dimitra for their significant influence. "They believed in me before I believed in myself, and with every Zoom call, I felt motivated to keep going." Their mentorship helped open doors and revealed possibilities that Nicolette had never imagined.

Overcoming Rejection and Embracing Success

Despite her accomplishments, the path to success wasn’t always easy. Learning to hear 'no,' face disappointments, and keep going was one of the toughest challenges. However, it was also the area in which she experienced the most growth. "It’s not all success like you see on social media. The program, and even afterward, gave me the motivation and opportunities to keep going."

Rejection from traditional art schools in the Netherlands, while initially disheartening, became a blessing in disguise. "I’m glad I got rejected because the Mastery Program was exactly what I needed at that point in my life."

A Life-Changing Experience

Reflecting on her journey, Nicolette now stands five years into her career as a professional artist, filled with gratitude and fulfillment for how far she has come. "I love what I do and also love the journey."

Advice for Future Artists

Her advice to future artists is simple: "Keep going and keep making art. There are tough moments, but always come back to the joy of creating and remember why you wanted to do this so badly in the first place."

The Mastery Program gave her not just the skills but also the mindset needed to persevere and thrive in the art world. "It was life-changing, sometimes even life-saving. Now, I’m doing what I love, and I wouldn’t have it any other way."

Nicolette's Website

Hear more about Nicolette's personal journey:


Watch Nicolette's process: