Become a Mastery Program Ambassador

Earn commissions while promoting a transformative art journey

No minimum requirements to join, just a passion for helping other artists

15 Years
We've been teaching artists
5500 +
Artists who've joined online
98.3 %
Students Recommend the Program

Why Become an Ambassador?

"The Mastery Program changed my life."

This is what we hear almost on a daily basis from our 5,000+ students who've taken the Program.

If you're a student, then you've probably experienced it for yourself.

When you share the Mastery Program with your friends, family, and followers you can have peace of mind, knowing that you're playing an pivotal role in their artistic transformation.

Partner with us in making the world a more beautiful place by equipping artists to pursue their passion.

What Makes the Mastery Program So Special?

  • Artists learn how to have a prosperous career in art from our comprehensive art curriculum
  • 258 Lessons of no-fluff, straightforward learning

  • Artists become proficient and confident in a variety of mixed-media techniques and discover their own unique voice

  • Artists learn classical oil painting and drawing techniques

  • Artists receive 2 years of Group Coaching in our Mastery Program Community. All of our coaches are professional artists who are dedicated to critique every assignment and genuinely help students succeed.
  • Students constantly tell us of the lifelong friendships they make in our Milan Art community
  • Students get Lifetime access to all Mastery Program lessons and bonus materials

  • We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee


Share the Movement in Just 4 Steps

1. Sign Up and Get Started

Fill out our short application for the ambassador program and access your account on our checkout platform called Samcart.

Start here
2. Share and Promote
Getting people to join the Mastery Program is easy. Over the past 5 years, we've built an entire library of resources, workshops, masterclasses and funnels proven to convert people to the Mastery Program that you'll be able to share your own unique link for.
3. Track Your Progress

Every click and purchase is tracked in your ambassador dashboard, so you can see your progress and watch your returns grow over time. 

4. Earn Generous Commissions

Earn $300/student referred for 1-10 referrals

Earn $400/student referred for 10-100 referrals

Earn $500/student referred for 100+ referrals

Learn How the Ambassador Program Works

Share an Art Program that Students Love

Because Sharing is Caring

This program provided the best value I’ve ever received for my money. I’ve sold over $10,000 worth of art since I started the program, and I haven’t even been focused on promotion for all of that time. Thanks for giving me the confidence to call myself a professional artist!

Autumn Hunter

Student | The Mastery Program

Deciding to enroll in the art mastery program was literally the best decision of my life. Not only myself but everyone around me has noticed an enormous improvement in my art. I finally have my own style and voice which has revealed even more creation in me. I haven’t even started the business/portfolio half of the program and I already feel like I have benefited so much.

Christina Cowan

Student | The Mastery Program

This is a brilliant class on a huge variety of styles of drawing and painting. It has stretched my world of what's familiar in the art world and I'm delighted with some of the pieces I've done! I'm also excited to go over some of the classes again to see where I can improve yet again and become even more comfortable with the techniques. And, yes, I'm drawing and painting things that I never would have thought possible before I started the class. And, my pieces are getting attention from people who are wanting to buy them. And, I only started recently! I'm very excited to get through the program. The possibilities seem infinite!

Michelle Nedelec

Student | The Mastery Program

I’m only in week 3 of the program and it has already changed my life! ❤️ I’ve learned so much already, my skills are flying through the roof and I am constantly surprised about what comes out of my hands. I’m even in love with my art now, I used to always see imperfections and not like it. On top of that, the lessons give me daily focus and a goal every week. Way less doom scrolling and online shopping for me, unless it is for art supplies 😁 LOVE IT 😍

Caro Eikelenboom - Heineken

Student | The Mastery Program

I'm thrilled to finally be a part of this course. I watched and waited for almost a year, scouring YouTube for the free workshops and carefully paying attention to the community. Initially I didn't think I had the skills or confidence to be a part of the program but eventually I realized I really do want to take my art seriously and this was the best match for me to do it. Skills to voice and finally tackling the business were the puzzle pieces I discovered on my own but I needed help putting them together. I've set mini goals monthly to pay for the program with my art and I'm so pleased what I've learned already. Thank you for believing in me even before you knew me!

Kirsten K

Student | The Mastery Program

Autumn Hunter
Christina Cowan
Michelle Nedelec
Caro Eikelenboom - Heineken
Kirsten K

Discover the Magic of The Mastery Program

Our Student's Work

Over 5500 Unique Styles Created

You Might Be Wondering...

How do I earn commissions?

When you become an Ambassador, you'll have access to a special dashboard with your own unique links to The Mastery Program landing page, and most of our other pages.

You you share your unique link with someone else and they click on the link, there are cookies added to their browser on the device that they're on for 30 days. If that person signs up for the Mastery Program within 30 days of clicking on any of the links that you've shared, you get credit. 

You'll be able to keep track of total amount of link clicks directly within your Ambassador account on Samcart (our platform). 

Once someone buys The Mastery Program, you'll be paid after the refund period closes (30 days). On the 5th of every month, we'll send all Ambassador payments through Paypal. 

What if someone I referred signs up without clicking on my link?

Our heart behind launching this program is to give people the opportunity to share our incredible artist education with their friends, family and followers and make it easy to do so. If you've shared your link with someone and they signed up as a result of your sharing the program, but for whatever reason, they didn't click the link or they used another device to ultimately make the purchase, we will be happy to give you credit, providing the following:

1. You must have documented evidence that you shared the link BEFORE they made the purchase (with a screenshot that clearly shows the date the message, email, text, etc. was sent). 

2. That person must not have clicked on someone else's referral link. 

3. You did not violate any of the terms


We will NOT accept any word of mouth anecdotes or vouching. Only documented evidence. Exceptions will not be made. This is to protect the integrity of the referral program so that artists everywhere can continue to benefit from it. 

Is there a limit to the amount of artists that I can refer?

We like the way you think! No, there isn't a limit, in fact, the more students you refer, the more you can earn. 

Earn $300/student for your first 10 students that you refer.

Earn $400/student for 11-99 referrals.

Earn $500/student for 100+ referrals.

Can I share my commission with the referral?

You are not allowed to advertise that you are offering a discount to join The Mastery Program. 

Where can I share my unique links?

First, let's start with where you CANNOT share the links. 

You are not allowed to share your ambassador links anywhere on the Milan Art app, under any of our posts, dm any of our followers, respond to comments on our posts on any platform with your link, respond to comments on our Youtube accounts with your links. You also may NOT advertise on Google using our name claiming to have a discount for The Mastery Program.

The point of the Ambassador program is for you to share your love for the Mastery Program with your own audience, whether that is friends and family or followers that you've earned. 

That being said, you can share your ambassador links through your link in bio, through your own Youtube content, in your emails, texting your friends, any platform of your own where you are not directly contacting our audience members. 

We reserve the right to investigate any referrals and/or withhold payment at our own discretion. Violators will be banned from the Ambassador program and could potentially lose access to The Mastery Program and all other content, regardless of purchase history.

What are the terms for the Ambassador Program?

You can find the terms written here. If you have any questions about the terms or the program in general, please feel free to reach out to!

Turning Artistic Dreams into a Reality

Become an Ambassador Today
About Milan Art Institute

Shine Your Art.
Change The World.

Founded in 2008, the Milan Art Institute is the hub of a growing art revolution. Our Institute provides community, inspiration, and education to students all over the world. Our Mastery Program has taught and helped over 5,500 students launch thriving art careers. The Milan Art Institute teaches oil painting, drawing, and mixed media techniques through our immersive learning process. From novice to professional, we help artists pursue their passion and turn it into a profitable career.