FREE 90-Minute Workshop

Create a sustainable income, and leave a legacy by selling art prints!

How to Create Your Art Print Business

What You Get:

  • 90-Minute Online Workshop with Access to the Replay

  • World-Class Artist Elli Milan and CMO Jake Dunn as Your Instructors

  • Watch FREE from Anywhere, on Any Device


What you'll learn:

  • The types of products you can sell as an artist

  • The logistics of how, when, and where to add art prints to your business

  • How to get more people interested in buying your prints & products

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What You Will Learn

Abstract Realism

Move beyond painting illustrations and into abstracts that inspire viewers to develop a unique interpretation of your art (and buy it!)

Solid Symbolism

Discover how to effectively use symbols while being inspired by your dreams and avoid being cheesy or contrived

New Motivation

Beat artist's block forever when you see how to explore the depths of your soul through your dreams to find infinite inspiration

Prophetic Art

Learn to unravel the messages from your dreams and decode them on your canvas for more meaningful, emotional art

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Meet Your Instructors


Elli Milan

Founder, Instructor

Elli is the founding owner of Milan Art Institute. For the past 25 years, she has sold her artwork professionally and has sold over 10,000 pieces throughout her career. She has also transformed the lives of thousands of artists from all over the world by helping them find their voice and turn their passion for art into a profession. With her online drawing and painting classes, Elli is a leading voice of the currentArt Renaissance.


Jake Dunn

Chief Marketing Officer, Instructor

With expertise in modern marketing and unique artistic skills, Jake is passionate about helping artists reach their true potential. After attending USC, he became an artist and has been a professional since graduating from The Mastery Program. For the last 3 years, Jake has been a key figure in building a multi-million-dollar online art business. His vast knowledge in digital marketing, online sales, email marketing and advertising enables him to empower artists to pursue their own art careers.


Hey Artist,

Are you in a creative rut—just painting the same thing over and over?

What if you could tap into the emotions of your dreams and find endless inspiration?

Both emerging and experienced artists will transform their artistic process in this class.

My name is Elli Milan, and I'm a professional artist of three decades. In this workshop, I'll teach you how to translate your dreams into magical paintings.

You'll see how to use symbolism like a pro, understand yourself through dream messages, and paint profound yet relatable artwork.

You'll also be learning from my daughter and inspiring artist Dimitra Milan.

Dimitra was a globally recognized artist by the age of 16. Her abstract realism paintings based on dreamy subject matter have captivated collectors since.

Get ready to shake up your creativity. We’ll help you go beyond painting what you "see"!

I'll meet you in class!

Elli signature


What Artists Are Saying...

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Our Student's Work

Examples of our student's artwork.
With This Workshop, You’ll Learn How:
  • To create new revenue streams for your art business
  • To grow your fan base and market your work to a growing global audience
  • To create the perfect prints, price it right, and watch your business grow

This workshop is an opportunity to transform your artistic process, so you won’t want to miss it.

Sign Up For FREE

About Milan Art Institute

Shine Your Art.
Change The World.

Founded in 2008, the Milan Art Institute is the hub of a growing art revolution. Our Institute provides community, inspiration, and education to students all over the world. Our Mastery Program has taught and helped over 5,000 students launch thriving art careers. The Milan Art Institute teaches oil painting, drawing, and mixed media techniques through our immersive learning process. From novice to professional, we help artists pursue their passion and turn it into a profitable career.

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